European Russia

Leaving Celyabinsk I saw a road sign indicating the direction of Moscow. I cannot describe my feelings at that point. Words simply couldn’t express how I felt about having pedalled this far. Moscow was within range.
The Ural Mountains were now in my sights. Beyond them lay Europe.
The earth began to rise and fall in a succession of ridges. I was tired of the flatness of Siberia, and both Rocket Boy ONE and I were chuckling with glee at this gentle wake-up call. We weren’t at all bothered by the light wind either. (from "Against the Wind" - Poolbeg Press)

The photos

Gerald Pink flower Ural lake Europe World Bikers Russian technology Kaffe women Irish Times Volga Korya san Mashroom Korya boy Vodka attack Red square IrishEmbassyMoscow Irish Sushi Bar in Moscow Moscow Guinness River and sky Traffic sign Kids Roadside shop Welders St. Petersburg wedding St. Petersburg cafe terrace Vyborg

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